How Carbon Fiber is Finding a Home in the Aftermarket Auto Parts Business


Automobiles are woven into the very fabric of our lives, essential modes of transportation that provide our ability to do just about anything we need and want to do.  The auto industry produces an array of vehicles designed to give consumers choices that fit their lifestyles, variations of trucks, cars, and SUV’s that come with a wide range of options.  The aftermarket auto industry provides consumers with vehicle modification products well beyond what the factories install.

The aftermarket auto part industry produces accessories, replacement components, parts, and performance enhancing additions that are manufactured by companies other than the auto manufacturers.  These easily attainable parts offer consumers various options that increase their automobile’s performance and personalize its style.  With the advancement in materials used in their construction, high-quality aftermarket parts can perform as well or better than the original parts.

Once exclusively found in European super sports cars, carbon fiber is one such cutting edge material that is finding its way into the aftermarket industry. Typically used in aerospace, military, and race vehicle manufacturing, carbon fiber’s physical and mechanical properties are making it increasingly popular in the auto aftermarket industry.  Carbon fiber possesses thermal and chemical stability, heat resistance, and high mechanical strength, which make it perfect for applications in automobiles.  The demand for carbon fiber in the auto arena is driven by its lightweight properties, performance features, and fuel economy enhancement.

Innovative manufacturing companies, such as AutoTecknic, produce some of the highest quality aftermarket carbon fiber accessories on the market today.  These easy to install products are professionally designed to enhanced performance with sleek, high-end style. The versatility of carbon fiber allows it to be used in both interior and exterior accessories for the vehicle such as emergency break handles and aero splitters, as well as mirrors and replacement grills.

Carbon fiber can also be found in hood vents and cooling plates that are engineered to enhance the vehicles performance by increasing air flow around the engine.  Its composite plastics material makes it a lightweight choice for heave metal parts such as bumpers and hoods, which make it a stellar cost-efficient method for reducing fuel consumption.  This benefit, among the others of versatility and recyclability, of carbon fiber products ensures that it will continue to be utilized in the advancements of parts and accessories in the aftermarket auto industry.

Carbon Fiber Cases & Accessories
We also manufacture custom carbon fiber accessories to match your auto upgrades including mobile phone cases, tablet cases, and sleek wallets and business card holders. We produce quality aftermarket car upgrades for the AutoTecknic brand and offer white-label services for companies in need of the best carbon fiber accessories on the market.